Whitney’s Bridal Portraits | Durham, NC

Whitney and I have know each other since we were little. We went to the same church and high school together, which made it an easy partnership for pictures. We went to Duke Gardens for her portraits where Krista of KMurray Photography helped assist. Whitney and Christian were recently married, so keep an eye out for another wedding blog post very soon!


  1. Ben

    dude – the lighting in that lost shot is ridiculous! Love the use of that tree branch too

  2. Jan Lawrence

    Soooo pretty. I love Duke gardens. And Whitney is so beautiful. I remember her when she was little.

  3. Whitney

    Yay! You get to show of my portraits now- they’re awesome or course and I can’t wait to see wedding pics! Thanks for everything you and sarah, as well as her sister for my portraits were all absolutely wonderful!!! 🙂

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