Sonia & Ray! | Rocky Mount, NC

Sarah and I really enjoyed working with Sonia and Ray when we did their engagement photos and were very excited for their wedding day. There is no doubt, they were made for each other! Their ceremony was held at the Showers of Blessing Christian Center in Rocky Mount, NC and their reception at the Wilson Country Club in Wilson, NC. Sonia and Ray have such a happy group of family and friends. Being able to photograph this time of joy in their life was truly an honor. Congrats you guys!


  1. Crystal Williams

    Sonia – you were an absolutely beautiful bride. Your mom shared the pictures with me. Congratulations to you and your handsome husband. You look so happy. Cherish these moments always. Beautiful gown. Your Mom looks happy too! Best Wishes for a happy life together!! Cheers,

  2. Maria Saadiqa turner

    It was such a beautiful wedding. Sonia and Ray were a match made in heaven by God. God Bless, Thanks for inviting me. love you all.

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