Nicki + Shawn | Raleigh, NC Engagement

Nicki and Shawn were so much fun to work with and even easier to talk to. They have two sweet dogs who enjoyed the beautiful October evening with us. We went to the North Carolina Museum of Art and the campus of NC State for their engagement pictures. Sarah and I won’t be shooting their destination wedding, but we hope to work with them again for a local reception.


  1. Scott

    OMG Incredible photos!!!!!!!

  2. Marcus Seyock


    man,wie die Zeit vergeht. Erst warst Du noch meine kleine Cousine und nun schon so gut wie verheiratet. Wahnsinn.
    Ich freue mich für Euch und wünsche Euch alles Gute für die Zukunft.

    Viele Grüße aus good old germany, äh bavaria.

    Dein Marcus

  3. Rose Marie Vinglas

    Congratulations!!! Beautiful pictures. I love the dogs. They are really beautiful dogs. I wish you two all happiness and joy. We are looking forward to coming to Raleigh and spending some time with you both. Love and congratulations again!!

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