Nicki | Raleigh, NC Bridal Portraits

Two beautiful subjects on a beautiful summer evening makes our job easy. That’s what we got when we met with Nicki to take her bridal portraits at the farm where she keeps her horse, Burbs.  Animals always make for exciting shoots and Burbs was no exception. We had a great time working with Nicki and Burbs and hope we captured their connection.

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a (wo)man.”  ~Winston Churchill


  1. Really nice as always!
    What gear did you use for the first 4 pictures?
    Did you photoshop your lightstand away or did you use a very powerfull studio flash that you can position further from the subject without it showing up in the photo?
    When I want to overpower a sunset I always have the problem that I can’t go wide because my flash isn’t that powerfull…

  2. We used a Nikon D700 and 24-70 2.8. Lighting was an Alienbee 800. I photoshopped Sarah holding the light out of the 4th picture.

  3. Brilliant shots – really special ones to incorporate the horse into them.
    Well done guys!

  4. Heidrun Wrench

    Great pictures – where can I order one

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