Kshitij & Caroline’s Carolina Theater Wedding! | Greensboro, NC

Kshitij and Caroline had a stunning wedding at the Carolina Theater in Greensboro, NC. Awhile back, they invited Sarah and I to check out the location and ever since we’ve been excited to shoot there with Kshitij and Caroline.

This was definitely a night to remember. Not only was the location amazing, but Kshitij and Caroline, their family, and their friends were a blast to work with. With all the weddings we’ve seen, we’ve never seen a reception so packed with dancing and celebration as this one. Ben Suggs of Southern Entertainment kept the beats going for all to party to, which helped Kshitij and Caroline get their money’s worth out of Sarah and I. We photographed the dance floor like never before! They were an amazing group to celebrate with and it was truly a beautiful evening.


  1. Kerry

    These are the most awesome wedding pics I have ever seen. Very creative.

  2. Nikki Taylor

    These are wonderful! I can’t wait to see the rest! You two did an amazing job!

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