Family 365s and More

Its been crazy around here for the past couple of weeks. Lots of photo shoots, weddings, and editing. Nonetheless, 365s must go on!!

Ethan is getting bigger everyday and loves to move and bounce when he is awake. We can already see the trouble that lies ahead when he learns to walk. He fights going to sleep but we’re enjoying the time we have when he sleeps. When he wakes up, he puckers his little lips, raises is eyebrows, stretches, and makes noises that are indescribably cute.

Oh and lets not forget his hair! It will be interesting to see how this plays out as he grows. It grows into a natural mohawk with all of the hair on the top of his head growing towards the middle due to the dual cowlicks on the back of his head.


  1. Rob Miracle

    Fantastic and loving photos! You guys are truly blessed.


  2. BillieJo Utley

    What a beautiful family. Who’s the real baby here, dad or Ethan. Don’t forget DAD, comes
    first. HA! HA! MISS YOU LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE BJ.

  3. Lori

    He is beautiful!!! Beautiful blue eyes!!

  4. Twanna

    I love it. Beautiful family!! You all look very happy. I have so excited and happy for you all!!

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