Charlotte + Tony | Chapel Hill, NC Wedding

The wedding you see below was our last of 2012 and was quite easily one of the year’s best. Charlotte and Tony are some of the nicest and classiest people you’ll ever meet. We felt right at home with them and their family and couldn’t have had more fun with them if we wanted too. Every detail about their wedding day was absolutely perfect and it’s rare to see a wedding that flows so effortlessly. We couldn’t have been more honored to have been a part of their wedding day and are so excited for their future together!
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Getting ready

bride getting ready

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guys getting ready

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reception details

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first dance

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mother son dance


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cake cutting

dancing 1


dancing 2

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last dance

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Wedding Venue: Saint Thomas More
Reception Venue: Carolina Club
Wedding Coordinator: A Southern Soiree
Flowers: Kelly Odum
Hair: Clara White
Makeup: Amanda Taylor
Cake: Swank Cake Design
Videographer: Southern Video Design
Transportation: Old South Trolley
DJ: Joe Bunn DJs – Mitch
Photo Booth: Classic Carolina Photo Booths


  1. Tim & Kang McCarthy

    Great Job for a wonderful couple and their families. One to remember for a long time!
    Tim & Kang, Grandparents of the Groom.

  2. Paula Brown

    Oh what a night. One to remember for a long time. It was sooooo much fun Charlotte and Tony. Thank you for letting us participate in your special day. Much love to you both. Tom, Paula and TJ Brown

  3. Amanda Taylor

    These photos are absolutely amazing! Being there and seeing the final product is so different. Everyone looked amazing but Thad and Sarah truly captured the joy of this day and tons of moments in time that tell a phenomenal story! Great job!

    One thing that was my favorite memory from helping with this wedding was when I was leaving. I ran into the groom, Tony, and I mentioned I did the makeup and he says “You didn’t have much to work with”, and he was right… Everyone is so beautiful they didn’t need much makeup!

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