Tag Archives: Revolution Mills Wedding photographer

Stacey + Patrick | Greensboro, NC Wedding

It was impossible not to be totally and utterly excited about Stacey & Patrick’s wedding. They are not only a ton of fun to be with, but are so completely in love that it’s infectious. You can’t help but smile when you are in their presence and it makes for such a wonderful experience. Even their family and friends made us feel right at home. Having the opportunity to see 2 people in love surrounded by family and friends who love and support them in their new life together is one of the most beautiful experiences a person can be a part of. We are so excited for Stacey & Patrick and were honored to have been a part of their wedding day!
Revolution Mills Wedding photographer
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Wedding & Reception Venue: Revolution Mills Studios
Wedding Planner: Merrymaking Events
Flowers: Corum Greenhouse and Florist
Hair & Makeup: Bella Upstyles Co
Cake: Maxie B’s
Harpist: Andrea Blanchfield
Video & DJ: K2 Productions
Catering: Pepper Moon Catering