Tag Archives: newborn photography

Family 365 – The Beginning

We’ve discovered that a 365 with a newborn isn’t as easy as it might have seemed. We have to utilize the strengths of what he can do, which isn’t much more than just laying around. It definitely makes you think a bit differently. Not being able to hold the camera and make sure things are composed and focused is surely the hardest part of it all, especially with a wiggling newborn. Most of our first shots are done pretty quickly with little energy. Its been pretty busy around the Lawrence household over the past 2 weeks.

We still can’t get over how amazing it is to be parents. Is there anything better than having an unlimited supply of cuteness everyday of your life? It makes everything better!

Every moment isn’t peaceful cuteness. If you can’t fight it, you might as well join it!

We got into the Birthday Cake!!!!! Thanks for the cake Grandma!

And here are a few random shots from his first week and a half with us! Nap time is definitely as sweet as it looks.

We are constantly looking for new ideas for our 365s. If you guys have ideas you think would make for a great picture, let us know! We might actually do it and give you credit!