Tag Archives: JC Raulston Arboretum

Doua + Yupheng | Raleigh, NC Engagement


We had a great time with Doua and Yupheng during their engagement session. They were naturals in front of the camera. Like Sarah and I, they both work in the same field. Except in their case, they work with the optics of the eye instead of a lens. They undoubtedly have a wonderful connection and work well together. We were excited to work with a couple that knew exactly what they wanted with their pictures. Their wedding should be a wonderful event next year!

Emily’s Bridal Portraits | Raleigh, NC

We took Emily’s bridal portraits at the JC Raulston Arboretum on NCSU campus in Raleigh, North Carolina. Emily is very down to earth and the gardens made for the perfect setting. She looked beautiful in her flowy dress which made for some great spinning shots. We got really luck when the wind blew, blowing the flowers from the crape myrtle trees where we were standing. It was quite a fun photo shoot.

The last of the shots is the one she used as her bridal portrait.