Tag Archives: Bridal Portraits

Abbe | Raleigh, NC Bridal

Abbe was an absolute blast to work with! We spent the afternoon at her parent’s house in Raleigh to take her bridal portraits and couldn’t have had a better time. Now that Abbe and Chris are married we can show you the results of our photo shoot. Keep an eye out for their wedding on the blog very soon!

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Raleigh bridal portraits, raleigh photographer, bridal portraits

Stacey | Greensboro, NC Bridal Portraits

Stacey is quite possibly one of the most fun bride’s we’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. You can’t help but be happy when you’re with her. Her smile is contagious. We started at Tanger Family Bicentennial Gardens and then went to her parent’s home where we made some of our favorite portraits ever. Now that Stacey is married, you’ll soon see her and Patrick’s wedding on the blog! You will not want to miss it!
Greensboro bridal portraits (11)
Greensboro bridal portraits (1)
Greensboro bridal portraits (4)
Greensboro bridal portraits (3)
Greensboro bridal portraits (5)
Greensboro bridal portraits (6)
Greensboro bridal portraits (7)
Greensboro bridal portraits (8)
Greensboro bridal portraits (9)
Greensboro bridal portraits (10)