Tag Archives: Bridal Portrait

Elizabeth | Raleigh, NC Bridal

When we first met with Elizabeth and Juan, we knew we we’re in for something fantastic. Elizabeth is one of the most vibrant and exciting people you will ever meet. She very appropriately wanted to take her bridal portraits on the carousel at Pullen Park in Raleigh. This is only a taste of the awesome that will be coming when you see her and Juan’s wedding day. Keep an eye out for it very soon!
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Janene | Raleigh, NC Bridal Portraits

Wow! Janene’s bridal session at the Cardinal Club in downtown Raleigh, NC will not be one we forget anytime soon. We met there at 4:00pm on April 16th. If you remember, that is the time we had some of the worst tornado’s North Carolina has seen in decades. We only had a limited time to shoot, as a wedding would be arriving at 5:30 for their reception. As we started, Sarah noticed the chandelier in the Cardinal Club (28th floor of the Wachovia building) was swaying pretty far. We kept shooting anyway and noticed how bad the visibility dropped outside the window we were shooting in front of. About 10 minutes into the shoot the intercom system came on and telling everyone to move to the center of the building because of the Tornado that was coming through. We were then escorted to the freight elevator room and waited the storm out. The Cardinal Club even fed us dessert as we waited! We didn’t know if  we would be able to continue the shoot but, the tornados delayed the wedding party giving us much more time for her session. Keep an eye out for Janene and Tremaine’s wedding pictures very soon!!!