Tag Archives: Baby portraits

Little Family Update

Here is a little family update… well, mostly Ethan update.

Happy Valentines Day! Ethan brings us closer together.

He LOVES the camera. He’s very entertained by all of the buttons and dials and as you can see, he tries to grab it every time it gets close to him. Maybe he’ll pick up photography one day. He’s already been to more weddings, in his 5 months (only one week till he turns 6 months!), than most people go to in a lifetime.

Sarah went shopping at the State Fair Grounds Kids Exchange and bought enough clothes for the remainder of the year. We can’t wait for him to fit some of the outfits.

Thank you to Sarah’s Godmother, Marti, for the nice, warm sleeper below – Ethan is still manly wearing pink!

A boy this busy needs a lot of food… he loves eating. Fruit is definitely his favorite and seems to put up with most vegetables.

Bath Time! He used to scream bloody murder when he took baths. Now, he LOVES it. He splishes and splashes the entire time and has a blast doing it.

The first of many basketball things!

It’s nice having warmer weather to get out and go for a nice evening walk. Ethan thoroughly enjoys being outside. This was his first real stroll in the Bob stroller. Usually we carry him in our Bjorn baby carrier on our chest.

Baby Ava | Durham, NC Portraits

Chelsea and Kevin are two of Sarah’s previous students from Southern High School who graduated last year. Their daughter, Ava, turned 1 year old this month and were looking for some family portraits to celebrate the occasion. We met at Duke Gardens where Ava led the way. She is full of personality, and always wanted to walk in-between photo locations. Chelsea and Kevin are very easy to talk with and Ava did a great job of posing for the camera, though she needed a raisins break about halfway through the shoot. We are very thankful that Chelsea and Kevin allowed us to be a part of this milestone.

Emma Danielle Suggs

Sarah and I were lucky enough to have been able to share a few moments with the newly arrived Emma Suggs! She is absolutely beautiful and is a spitting image of both of her parents. We are excited to share in the adventures of parenthood with the Suggs family and there will be many more pictures to come. Congrats Ben and Jenna!

Emma Danielle Suggs: Born 10/22/10 @ 5:20am

7lbs 60z

19 & 3/4 inches