Tag Archives: adventure photography

Motographic Adventures

motographic adventures

This year marks the start of a new adventure for 2&3. This summer Thad will be traveling nearly 5,000 miles of the Trans-America Trail that stretches from NC to Oregon. As you would expect, he will be documenting the trail in the best way he knows how, along with the help of 3 other riders and a great set of sponsors.

Like most creatives, every so often we need to take a new direction with our medium of choice to help inspire new ways of thinking. We hope this will give us a fresh take on all of the other photography we create for our clients. Growth is essential to life, and photography is the expression of the lives we live. We are always seeking new ways to present life with a fresh perspective. Motographic Adventures is something we hope to grow into many more projects in an effort to live more freely and creatively. We are so excited for things to come and hope you will follow along with us on this new endeavor!

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Motographic Adventures

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