More of Us…

So many things change once you have a child. And nearly all for the better.

One of the things we didn’t account for was, when you have a baby, everyone approaches you with a smile. Everyone is happy for that moment when you first see them, no matter how they may feel. Its a wonderful thing! People in public smile as they pass by you when they would have otherwise not even have noticed you. Life just seems sweeter when you are with your child.

Ethan is really starting to get vocal about nearly everything. He has things he absolutely love and hates.


  • Mom and Dad
  • The Outdoors
  • Going for walks
  • iTunes visualizer
  • The vacuum (it calms him)
  • Changing outfits and/or diapers
  • Being on his feet
  • His hands and fingers


  • Sitting
  • His reflux issues
  • The car seat
  • Dad blowing his nose
  • Water; or more specifically, a bath
  • Falling asleep

We still can decide who he looks like more. I don’t see either of us in him and think he has his own look. Maybe this will change as he starts to grow. People who meet him give us a wide array of opinions about who they think he looks like. A lot of the time they mention someone else in the family.

All I know, is he is so freakin’ cute.

He comes with us to all of our weddings and photo shoots and definitely loves the attention from all of the different people. But as we all know, it’s an exhausting job!

This was his first time out in the snow. He didn’t seem to mind it much, he just loves being outside.


  1. Deb

    you are having fun..enjoy

  2. Jane

    I like ur warm ,so nice.

  3. Jan Lawrence

    Oh how cute. Ethan is such a character. Love his expressions and look at those feet! I always love to see your photos. Thank you so much. Love ya