Mentoring Sessions and a Giveaway!

After being asked over and over again, we finally got the hint! We are super excited to finally offer mentoring sessions. We have been asked to do this on a regular basis for the past couple of years and are happy to finally be able to fulfill this request. And to start things off, we are giving away two 1 on 1 mentoring sessions!

Real 1 on 1 Mentoring

Over the past 4 years, we’ve experienced how hard it can be to find real help within the craft and we want to provide the best possible instruction in a platform that is most meaningful to you! From the very basics to advanced techniques, we will work together to determine what your needs are and give you personalized instruction. There will be two types of sessions, Hands On and Online. For the Hands On sessions, we will operate within a 50 mile radius of our home in Durham, NC. Anything beyond that will require a travel fee. Our Online sessions will be available to anyone in the world. If you think we are a good fit to help you, we’d LOVE to meet you!

photography mentor
Now on to the giveaway… the top prize is a 2 hour 1 on 1 mentoring session and second prize is a 1 hour 1 on 1 session! These can be either Hands On or Online. Whatever works best for you!
Giveaway Details

  • No purchase necessary
  • 2 winners!
  • 1 winner will receive a 2 hour one on one session
  • 1 winner will receive a 1 hour one on one session
  • Session must be scheduled between January 1st 2012 and March 31st 2012.
  • The winner must respond within 24 hours of being notified. If not, another winner will be chosen.
  • You can gift this to a friend or family member, but they must agree to the above guidelines
  • The winners will be chosen randomly on Friday December 30th 2011 and announced on the blog!

How to Enter:
Number 1 is required! For each way you share it (numbers 2-4) you will get an extra entry with the possibility for 4 entries per person.

  1. Leave a comment below and tell us what you would want to learn, or who you want to give a session to and why.
  2. “Like” this using the Facebook button at the bottom of the post.
  3. Share this post on Twitter and @ reply 2n3photography
  4. +1 this post using the Google+ button below.

As for the future, we plan on expanding our online resources for photographers, hobbyist and pros alike. We’ll be creating more behind the scenes material and tutorials on most everything we do! So keep an eye out… big changes are coming!


  1. Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to learn from my two favorite rockstars!!! I would love to learn lighting and post processing 🙂

  2. Richard

    Learn about shooting weddings – how you approach it.

  3. Shawn and Nicki Evans

    I would really love to learn how to take pictures with my Nikon D7000 that can then be post-processed into “picture perfect” images. That would be wonderful!

  4. Erika Hallin

    Me of course haha… I would like to learn how to start taking pictures of iz myself, although I have always had a huge interest in photography! Lighting/Angles etc….

  5. Christina Tucker

    Would love to learn from fellow Wingate grads!! = )
    I really want to be able to take good pictures of my family (especially of my brand new niece) and places I visit (landscape and basic tourist scene shots).

  6. Jennifer Johnson

    I would love to win this so I could gift it to my BFF Christina. She has a new niece and wants to be able to take beautiful professional pics of her. She’s done so much for me, and I’d love to win this for her.

  7. I would love to learn more about lighting, and different techniques to acheive certain pictures….also business aspects!

  8. Laura Ku

    Would love to give this to my most wonderful husband who is very interested in learning more about photography. He would like to be able to start doing some shoots of his own.

  9. Paul Ku

    I would like to learn more about lighting and taking more portraits of people. Ultimately I would like to explore the possibility of doing this as a part time thing and to be able to produce quality and interesting photos.

  10. Lauren Byers

    Its a pretty long list of stuff Id ask- post, lighting, posing, but also Id want to know how to do this and be successful at it. Ive always loved watching you two not just because your fantastic but because you look like you have so much fun with it. And Lord knows, I could really use the help. 🙂 Happy holidays!

  11. I’d love an advanced Photoshop tutorial. While I feel like I know a lot about Photoshop, I need more specifically photo editing and enhancing knowledge.

  12. Allison

    As a freelance writer, it’s really important that I know my way around a camera. It makes me way more marketable when I can put together a story including photos. I also have a really magical, wonderful life, and I’d like to be able to document it in a way that’s lighted properly.

  13. tom maniacni

    I want to learn how to accurately and creatively capture moments in the camera. Would also like to get some basic knowledge on editing photos. This would mostly be stuff that I see when travelling or at family get togthers.

  14. Maxine Mastromarino

    I would love your guidance on Workflow and Post Processing. There are a ton of other things but that is at the top of my list.

  15. Tracy Hinman

    I’d like to learn how to edit pictures so they look natural and not photoshopped. I”d also like to look the basics of editing photos- I know photoshop pretty well but I would like to learn and see how a professional goes about editing pictures to get them just right!

  16. Tracy Hinman

    Plus Tom and I need to learn how to start getting better pictures so we can stop being so jealous of yours!

  17. Emily Colebrook

    Thad, I love your photos!! I would definitely give this as a gift to my sister, Liz (weren’t y’all “married” at one point?!?! haha aww love TCTW). Anyway, she has tried and tried to learn new techniques on her own, and it would be an amazing gift to give her so she could document all the adventures of her son/my nephew/our world Cecil. She has a really neat camera that she doesn’t have too many opportunities to use. She would highly benefit from such a cool opportunity, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to afford learning new techniques to improve on a hobby she so desperately loves. Thanks Thad 🙂

  18. Kristen Pierce

    I would love to learn about lighting, exposures in different lighting, and post processing. I have always enjoyed being behind a camera, probably because I have never been very photogenic myself 🙂

  19. Thad:
    As someone that has had a mentoring session from you already.
    I value your experience and knowledge as an incredible help with areas that I had not ventured into with my photography…..Your work speaks for itself – right up there with the best.
    Sharing that with me set off some of those “ah ha” moments with my equipment after our session. Would love to have some one on one mentoring again, more info about equipment would surely help me decide on my next purchase and work flow for those large quantities of photos to help speed up that process. So many different ways to do things!
    There is never an end to learning!

  20. Flo Dupuy

    I would love to learn about posing and processing from you! Love Love Love your work!