J.R. & Crystal

What can we say about these two? They are quite a pair! Since shooting their engagement photos back in October, we’ve been pumped about shooting their wedding. J.R. and Crystal are a lot of fun to be around and are always full of life. Crystal and her daughter Emma looked beautiful coming down the isle while J.R. seemed as cool and calm as any groom we’ve seen.

The reception was a blast! Fun guests, amazing food, good music, delicious cake, a chocolate fountain, and a rockin’ couple made for an awesome celebration.

We congratulate you guys and hope you grow into a happier and healthier family with every passing day! Thank you for giving us the honor!

For the gear heads: We tested Nikon’s new D3s and 70-200 VR II with amazing results. The D3s is a solid 2 stops better than our D700, possibly more. The 70-200 is, well… a superb piece of glass as one would expect; super sharp. We also had a chance to test out the video capabilities of the D3s and found it quite fun to use and allowed us to capture moments that photographs alone cannot. My only two complaints are that video seems to kill the battery and the D3s is not made for large hands. The EN-EL4a was used in both the D3s and D700; by the end of the night the D700 had 68% battery life left while the D3s had 18%; both had similar shutter counts. In the hand, I prefer the D700 with battery grip over the D3s, as the D3s is to small for my hands, my palm would constantly activate the AF-ON button holding the camera horizontally and my fingers were cramped by the lens mount which flows into the vertical grip.

Rock on J.R. and Crystal!