Chavon + Kendrick | Raleigh, NC Engagement

We had a great time getting to know Chavon and Kendrick during their engagement session. They decided on Yates Mill Park and downtown Raleigh for their engagement session. Note to self: Yates Mill Park is packed with photographers on Sundays in November. Family portraits anyone? None-the-less, we managed to find a couple of spots for Chavon and Kendrick where we quickly saw how great they are together. They are a very easygoing couple and we are excited to work with these two on their wedding day!


  1. Tammie Jackson

    OMG! The pictures are beautiful! I can’t wait until the “Big Day”. Love Ya!


  2. Pat. Davis

    Enjoy the planning of this big moment, to make it a life time. Chavon and Kendrick, The smile’s you share together on your face say’s it all. Looking forward to your special day and lots of pictures. Love, Aunt Pat.

  3. Ethel

    Chavon and Kendrick I want to thank you for sharing your special photos with me. You look so happy together that you brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you. Kendrick, you take good care of my girl Chavon. She is a really sweet girl and deserves the best. Take care.

  4. Shika

    Wow !!! Who took the photo’s? They are great!!!
    I am so happy for you….It’s your time….
    Love you

  5. Elexis Stephenson

    These are beautiful pictures! You both look amazing and so happy together! I am excited about the big wedding day and I can’t wait to see your gown Chavon. I pray that you both have found true happiness in each other and that God blesses your marriage covenant. I wish you guys nothing but joy and peace in the years to come.

    Love you guys!!!

  6. Evangielyn Fleming

    Just got a chance to see the pics and they are beautiful. Just the cutest couple. I’m so happy for you Chavon! You are a good friend and overall woman and you deserve nothing but the best. Can’t wait until the big day! Love ya

  7. Glandina Morris

    Who knew you cleaned up so well cuz. I am so happy for you two and can’t wait to share your big day!

  8. Chance

    Wow!!! Too many great photos to choose even 15 favorites. Very impressive. Thanks for setting the bar so high, Kendrick…sigh. All I know is that I pray the Lord blesses you both with His mercy and His grace, protects and guides you from all that you are independently – to all that you will become together.