Category Archives: Family

Family (mostly Ethan) pictures…

Here are a few pictures of us from the past few months. Its incredibly hard to get a good picture of Ethan. His poses and looks last milliseconds making us attempt to anticipate when he is going to give you an opportunity. When shooting film, we have to work especially hard to catch those moments. More often than not, we catch him blinking or moving at the last moment. At this point, he is completely immune to our “tricks” to get him to look at us. Even if we were any good at it, he is always on a mission to get into something and ignores us anyway.

We recently went to Atlanta, Georgia for vacation… I’ll be posting pictures from that very soon. Keep an eye out!
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer
Durham Photographer

Fast Paced Portraits! | Durham, NC

Our very first Fast Paced Portrait session at Duke Gardens went off without a hitch! We got to see past clients of ours with their new babies and friends we haven’t seen in a while. We were so happy to be able to see everyone and had a great time even if the cold wind kept us shivering. This was so much fun that we hope to do it again before too long! Once spring gets here, we may plan another FPP event!
And for those wondering… little Owen in the tree is being held safely by Sarah!
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer

Home Life

Its hard to imagine how different our lives would be without Ethan. He keeps us on our toes for every second he is awake! We couldn’t be happier to both be able to share life everyday with each other and the craziest little man we know. Without a question of a doubt, Ethan is the most difficult subject we have EVER tried to photograph! EVER! He is so busy he rarely stops for even a split second to grab a shot. You really have to work for it! Here are a few shots over the last couple of months that were all taken on film. No digital.

Technical info:
Cameras: Nikon F100, Canon AF35ML, Hasselblad 500CM
Films: Kodak Portra 400 & 800, Fuji 400H, Fuji Superia 400, and Illford 3200
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photographyfamily photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography
family photography