Ava | Durham, NC Family Portraits

We were so excited to be asked by Chelsea and Kevin to take portraits of Ava again. We took the first portraits to celebrate her turning one, now we take them to celebrate her turning 2 years old. Ava is as cute as ever, and loved posing for us as she slid down the slides or kicked the soccer ball! With her five second attention span, we bounced around the Bethesda Baptist Church’s playground for nearly an hour before she settled on the swings for a good 15 minutes. Thank you Ava for letting us take your portraits!
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer, family portraits,
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer
Durham family photographer

1 Comment

  1. Jan Lawrence

    How cute. Great pics.