Addison LeighAnn Suggs

Today, Addison LeighAnn Suggs arrived in this big beautiful world along side her loving family! She is absolutely beautiful and we were honored to be able to document part of her first day of life. Last year we welcomed Addison’s big sister Emma and were so happy to do it again with Addison. Sarah and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives like the Suggs family. We can’t wait for the adventures that lie ahead! Congrats Ben and Jenna! And Happy Birthday Addison!
Addison LeighAnn Suggs:
Born 12/07/11 @ 11:22am
8lbs 11oz
22 inches

baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits

Baby portraits


  1. Jan Lawrence

    Wonderful pictures and super memories.

  2. Brandy, Donnie ,Anna, Jackson, and Elliott

    Congrats, Benny & Jenna,
    We love u both! I am glad to see everything went smooth today. I see that Emma is already starting her job as a Big Sister. We can’t wait to see Addison.

  3. Jessica H.

    These are sooooooooooooo cute!!!!! I feel like I am really there.

  4. Danny and Susan Neeves

    Hi Ben and Jenna and Emma……congratulations, she’s beautiful. We are so happy for you and these pictures are fantastic. So proud of you guys and wish you the very best. Love Dan and Susan.

  5. Sylvia Rutkowski

    God Bless you and your family! You guys look so happy and adorable. Lots of love, health and happiness.