Ashley + Jonathan “Part 1” | Broadway, NC Engagement

We had to break up Ashley & Jonathan’s blog post into 2 parts. We spent 7 hours with these two creating some totally unique images. They didn’t want traditional pictures so we explored possibilities for something completely different. As usual I have a stock pile of ideas, but I’ll get into that more in part 2. They came to my mom’s place for pictures and we couldn’t have had more fun if we tried. Part 1 consists of the more “normal” pictures and Part 2 is a huge departure from that… it will rock your socks!
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer
Broadway photographer


  1. Beautiful images, really great job!

  2. Lauren Branch

    OMG these are perfect. they totally fit their personalities! GREAT JOB capturing them!