Stacey + Patrick | Durham, NC Engagement

From the moment I met with Stacey & Patrick I knew great things were in store. They are an absolute blast to hang out with which is 1 reason why we are soooo looking forward to their wedding this fall… and yes, their dog Oscar will be in it! I laughed out loud several times while editing their pictures and Sarah did the same while proofing this blog post. There is much that is left to be seen from these two. Keep an eye out for more later this year!
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Engagement portraits,
Durham photographer
Duke Gardens
Durham photographer
Durham photographe
Duke Gardens
Engagement portraits,
Durham photographer
Engagement portraits,
Durham photographer
Durham photographer

Durham photographer
Durham photographer,
Durham photographer
Engagement portraits,
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Durham photographer
Duke Chapel
Duke Chapel
Engagement portraits,
Engagement portraits,


  1. Morgan Causey

    I LOVE these pictures! My husband and I have been friends with Patrick and Stacey for a few years now, and I have to say that they are the greatest people to be around! I cannot wait to be a part of their wedding this October, it is going to be something that I will always remember!! Adam and I love you guys and we are so excited for you two!!

    Morgan and Adam

  2. Julia

    WOW! They turned out sooo good! I love them! Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures… love, julia