Carter Lynn Blackmon | Sanford, NC Newborn

We are yet again blessed to help welcome another beautiful little girl into the world. Carter Lynn Blackmon was born yesterday. She is as cute as they come and hardly made a peep while we were there. David and Jessica are two beaming parents who are more than ready for this little girl to be a part of their lives. We are so happy for them and hope to document more of little Carter’s life as she grows!
Carter Lynn Blackmon:
Born 01/19/12 @ 2:35pm
7lbs 10oz
19 inches
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography, Sanford NC, Baby pictures
Newborn Photography, Sanford NC, Baby pictures
Newborn Photography


  1. Courtney Johnson

    Congratulations you two!! She is beautiful! Enjoy parenthood:)

  2. Lexie Simpson

    Awwww…..she is beautiful. I’m thinking she looks like Mama!!

  3. Jeannie Murchison

    She is so beautiful…looks like a “baby doll”. Great pictures! Such happy and excited parents and such a lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents! Love to all.

  4. Tammy Stewart

    David and Jessica,
    She is beautiful. The pictures are awesome. Your now will change drastically. But for the better.

  5. Jessica Grove

    Congratulations! Beautiful baby girl! Love this pictures too!

  6. Beverly Alward

    Congratulations!!! She is gorgeous. I’m so happy for you guys. Welcome to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. May you eventually sleep one day in the far future but the love and wonder of her will be worth every minute!!!