Overdue Ethan

This is a seriously overdue post. Ethan is officially 9 months old now! His has turned into be quite the little hellion. Don’t let the cute pictures deceive you, there is never a down moment when he is awake. Out of all the babies we’ve seen, Ethan is by far the most active child we’ve encountered. This is interesting considering that Sarah and I were, supposedly, very calm quite children. None the less, we are having a blast watching him grow and learn new skills. There is nothing quite as awesome as being a parent!

Ethan Facts @ 9 Months:
1. He has 6 teeth (4 top, 2 bottom)
2. He loves opening cabinet doors and pulling everything out
3. He loves walking around while pushing his chair or a cardboard box
4. He loves baths
5. He loves pulling on the dog and cat
6. He loves being outside
7. He loves Gerber Puffs almost as much as daddy
8. He loves reading books with mommy before bed
9. He loves going through our camera bag/s
10. He loves being barefoot
11. He hates falling asleep
12. He hates getting dressed



  1. These are super cute, miss you guys.
    Ethan gave the Thad face in one photo, lol adorable.

  2. Love the wide one where it looks like he’s going to step on the lens! He sure is a cutieface! Good job you two 😉

  3. Caroline

    Oh gosh, his little fluffy mohawk is absolutely the cutest!

  4. Susan Tomaszewski

    He is a cutie. This is one of the best times, enjoy because they sure grow up fast.