Hannah + Casey | Chapel Hill, NC Wedding

Sarah and I were very excited when Hannah and Casey asked us to photograph their New Year’s Eve wedding. Our excitement was well justified. Their wedding day was one of the most unique and exciting weddings we’ve photographed. They kept everything at one location at the Chi Psi lodge in Chapel Hill, NC. Their ceremony and reception was held in a tent outside the house with the reception/New Year’s party inside. This was Sarah and I’s first wedding shot at night which made for a whole new dynamic when taking pictures and definitely helped create a mood. It was also a first to have Elvis show up and celebrate New Years all in one event! Needless to say, we had an amazing time and wish Hannah and Casey a wonderful life together!


DJ: Mark Pardue of Anything Music

Elvis: Wayne Euliss

Food: Amber Hardin + Family and Friends

Flowers: Amber Hardin + Family and Friends

Rental/Tent: Happy Rentz

Bar Tending: Anthony of The Raleigh Bartending School